Characteristics of Approved Health Products & Cosmetics in Malaysia


All health products and cosmetics in Malaysia must be approved by the Ministry of Health (MOH) Malaysia before being marketed in Malaysia.

This is to ensure its quality, efficacy, and safety before reaching consumers.

Once approved, health products are called registered products, meanwhile, cosmetics, are called notified cosmetics.

Learn more about registered products and notified cosmetics below.

Features of Registered Health Products

Two (2) most important characteristics of registered products are Farmatag Hologram and Product Registration Numbers. By using Farmachecker apps and Quest 3+ product search, consumer can now check for product status at their fingertips.

Features of Notified Cosmetics

Notified cosmetics will have notification numbers but it is not compulsory to be displayed on cosmetics. However, users can still verify the status of cosmetics through Quest 3+ product search.

Initiatives Taken

The following initiatives have been taken to ensure consumers are able to identify registered products:

1. #Scandulubarubeli campaign aims to encourage consumers to check product status using Farmachecker apps by scanning Farmatag Hologram before they purchase healthcare products.

2. National Pharmaceutical Regulatory Agency (NPRA) through its website allows users to check product status via Quest3+ Product Search.

3. Ministry of Health (MOH) has made it compulsory for private retail pharmacy premises to use community pharmacy logo to be displayed at their signboards to make it easier for the public to search for licensed and certified pharmacists.

Identifying Registered Health Products and Notified Cosmetics (Video)

Using Quest 3+ Product Search (Video)