Zhonghua Secondary School
Student-Initiated Learning (SIL)
SIL is an opportunity for students to be an independent, passionate and lifelong learner. It is a dedicated time of 1 hour during HBL Day to explore interests, pick up new skills, and learn within and beyond the curriculum.
SIL Activities should be
Safe, wholesome, aligned to school & national values
A learning experience which enables students to acquire new skills or knowledge OR deepen learning on current interest
Easy to prepare for, stress-free
Done at home (online/offline), for a duration of 1 hour, with parents’ consent
SIL Resources
The resources are categorised according to level, please click to download.
The following resources belong to Zhonghua Secondary School (ZHSS), copyright and all rights reserved @ 2022.
Feel free to use the resources in whole or in parts, with attribution to ZHSS.