Performance Task (Term 2)

Dear 4E, please read the following instructions for your Term 2 Performance Task.

You need to:

  • work in groups of 5. You may choose your own group members BUT do note that you have to be on task. So be wise in choosing your group members.
  • make use of the given resources to get started off with your research on the contributions of the pioneers of early Singapore. After which, you may wish to find out more on your own and with your group members.
  • note down important points on Worksheet 1(which I will issue on Wednesday 28/3 ) while reviewing the resources and get ready to share with your group members during the next Social Studies lesson. You will start to plan and create the powerpoint slides from the next lesson onwards. Please note that if you are not ready, your group's progress will be affected.
  • Refer to the briefing slides below to know more.
Copy of P4 2018 Perf Task_Briefing Slides for Pupils.pptx