Programme for Active Learning


In Qifa, the Programme for Active Learning (PAL) consists of modules of activities in the four broad areas, Sports & Games, Outdoor Education, Performing Ats and Visual Arts, which are carried out within curriculum time. Activities are fun and exploratory in nature and seek to develop their sense of competence and confidence.

Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) is incorporated in every lesson so pupils pick up competencies such as respecting others and responsible decision-making. Soft skills such as the ability to communicate clearly and cooperate with others, having a curiousity about the world they live in and a belief in their ability to accomplish a task or deal with a challenge are seamlessly embedded in lessons.

Characteristics of PAL Modules

PAL modules engage pupils through their heads, hearts and hands. They are designed with the five characteristics in mind:

Experiential in nature

Provide pupils with meaningful engagement through experiential learning in a safe envinronment. Reflection time is included to give pupils opportunities to express their thoughts and feelings, and build confidence in communication.

Encompasses learning in a creative way

Provide children the space to explore ideas to a new situation, to deepen their learning, make new connections to previous skills and knowledge, and make new self-discovery.

Provides opportuinities for children to create

Create expression also helps children learn at a deeper level, provides enjoyment and leads to problem-solving.

Incorporates values education and social-emotional learning

Through individual and group activities, ample opportunities are created for pupils to learn about themselves and understand how to better relate to and work with others in a team. These activities aim to equip pupils with relevant interpersonal and intrapersonal skills, which are important competencies for one to thrive in a globalised world.

Fun and enjoyable

By focusing on the process of learning, the thinking and doing during the experience, and not just on the end product and skills acquisition, PAL allows pupils to expand into new areas that are both enjoyable and challenging so that they will be able to make connections and appreciate the finer things in life.

PAL Overview at Qifa

Performing Arts (Music and Drama)

The Performing Arts Module aims to cultivate an appreciation for music and drama in our pupils. Pupils will experience a sereis of Creative Movement sessions whereby they are exposed to movement in a fun and creative way using contemporary dance. Pupils are also given opportunities to work together with their friends to create musical pieces as well as drama performances. Pupils learn to listen attentively to their friends share their ideas and take turns to share theirs in a safe setting. Through weekly performances, they also learn about concert etiquette and being gracious to their friends. We believe that pupils will grow to become more confident as they are given more platforms to perform their ideas.

Visual Arts

Social Emotional Learning (SEL) is incorporated in every Visual Arts lesson to promote positive social and emotional development in pupils. Through this module, pupils are provided with the opportunity to experience the creativity and imagination involved in the world of doodling and basic sculpting. Pupils will also have the chance to discover their aptitude and interests, develop their confidence and creativity while working with their peers through engaging activities centred around varying themes.

Outdoor Education

This module aims to cultivate in pupils a deeper appreciation of nature around us, as well as educating them on how we can take better care of our natural resources and environment. It provides organised learning opportunities for pupils to interact with the environment while instilling the basic elements of teamwork and social-emotional competencies.

Sports & Games

The focus of this module is to develop pupils' self-management through group activities. Druing each lesson, pupils will be exposed to working in groups to complete simple activities and challenges. In the process, they will be presented with opportunities to resolve conflics and find compromises, through which they will learn to recognise and manage their motions and reactions to achieve a desirable outcome.