Sec 3E Cohort Programme

Our Sec 3E students spent the week of cohort programs in a slightly more unconventional location: campsites in Pulau Ubin, East Coast and Punggol for the Outward Bound School (OBS) Program. Students got to experience tent-pitching, kayaking and ropes, while developing communication and collaboration skills working with students from other schools on various tasks. Having to battle the natural elements and fatigue, these activities also tested their grit, teawork, and leadership. Novel settings such as these develop their 21st Century Core Competencies: Responsible Decision-Making as they adapt to a trying new environment and its various risks; Self-Awareness and Self-Management as they navigate the new forms of independence that camping away from home and familiarity necessitate; Social Awareness and Relationship Management as they learn also to depend on each other. Most of all, the program left students with pleasant memories and strengthened friendships.