Malay (Special Programme)

Chung Cheng High School (Main) offers the Malay Special Programme (MSP) to interested students at Secondary One as long as they have not offered Higher Malay/Malay as their MTL at PSLE. These students will sit for the GCE O-Level Examination when they are in Secondary 4. A pupil who passes MSP at the GCE O-Level Examination and who qualifies for admission to a JC/MI will be given a concession of two points in his application to the JC/MI of his choice.

A student who offers MSP in the GCE O-Level Examination will be allowed to use the MSP grade in lieu of a Humanities subject grade for admission to the JC/MI.

Through the Malay Special Programme, students learn about the Malay culture to develop an understanding and appreciation towards both the language and the culture. At the end of four years, students will be able to listen, speak, read, write and interact orally on topics at personal, society and country level. The school has collaborated with the Malay Heritage Centre since 2014 in training MSP 1 students as guides at the Centre. [***With the pandemic, the training stopped in 2020. In 2021, our Secondary 1 MSP students had designed and presented a virtual learning experience with support of materials from Malay Heritage Centre to their peers.] The learning and thinking process is no longer limited to the classroom as students apply their oratorical skills in public as well. This rich learning experience will help students to acquire the 21st Century Competencies and skills, namely Civic literacy, Global Awareness and Cross-Cultural Skills; Critical and Inventive Thinking; and Communication, Collaboration and Information Skills.

Since 2019, our school has also initiated our collaboration with Madrasah Al-Ma’arif Al-Islamiah and Madrasah Wak Tanjong Al-Islamiah in the area of learning and understanding of Malay language and culture. Our students were also invited to Madrasah Al-Ma’arif Al-Islamiah for Iftar and Hari Raya Celebrations
. Our school has also hosted the Madrasahs for Chinese New Year Celebrations, Mid-Autumn Festival Celebrations and Netball friendly matches to strengthen the partnership with the Madrasahs and for students and teachers to come together to interact and to learn from one another.