We Will Get There


Remember the days, we set out together with faith?
Remember the times, so fine, when we thought that
Nothing could stand in our way?

Then things weren't the same
The life that we knew had to change
We've struggled through, the darkest storms
We thought we couldn't tame

Together we've tried,
As we stood side by side
I knew we'd build a new world
A world of hope for ever after

Deep in my heart I just know,
Right from the start, we will grow
Look where we are, we've come so far
And there's still a long, long way to go
With all of my heart, I will care
I'll play my part, I will share
With family and friends, together we'll stand
And in the end, hand in hand
We will get there

So now we begin, working together to win
Believing in trust, it must
Be possible to overcome anything.

There's so much to do
There's so much we can contribute
By sharing just a little love
We will start again anew

So why don't we try? If we stand side by side
I know we'll build a new world
A world of hope for ever after


Lyrics (Chinese)

是否还记得 从前美丽的天色
shi fou hai ji de cong qian mei li de tian se

那时天很蓝 我们的未来都在不远地方晴朗着
na shi tian hen lan wo men de wei lai dou zai bu yuan di fang qing lang zhe

一切都变了 生命不只是快乐
yi qie dou bian le sheng ming bu zhi shi kuai le

浓浓黑雾, 笼罩我们 暴风雨就要来了
nong nong hei wu long zhao wo men, bao feng yu jiu yao lai le

但谁说不能 肩并着肩 站稳
dan shui shuo bu neng jian bing zhe jian zhan wen

我们用心和用爱 创造 让新的世界诞生
wo men yong xin he yong ai chuang zao rang xin de shi jie dan sheng

在我心中我知道 这是永恒的长跑
zai wo xin zhong wo zhi dao zhe shi yong heng de chang pao

好不容易 来到这里
hao bu rong yi lai dao zhe li

ming tian hai yao zhui geng duo rong yao

把自己角色扮演好 全力以赴每一秒
ba zi ji jue se ban yan hao quan li yi fu mei yi miao

和我的家人 和我的朋友
he wo de jia ren he wo de peng you

向着目标 手牵手 一起走到
xiang zhe mu biao shou qian shou yi qi zou dao

这又是起点 我们有一样心愿
zhe you shi qi dian wo men you yi yang xin yuan

当我们团结 狂风巨浪也不能阻挡我们走向前
dang wo men tuan jie kuang feng ju lang ye bu neng zu dang wo men zou xiang qian

谁害怕改变 只要紧握着信念
shui hai pa gai bian zhi yao jin wo zhe xin nian

心中有梦 没有遥远 跨出去就在瞬间
xin zhong you meng mei you yao yuan kua chu qu jiu zai shun jian

但谁说不能 肩并着肩 站稳
dan shui shuo bu neng jian bing zhe jian zhan wen

我们用心和用爱 创造 让新的世界诞生
wo men yong xin he yong ai chuang zao rang xin de shi jie dan sheng


Music Videos

Music & Lyrics by Dick LeePerformed by Stefanie Sun

Chinese rendition of the English songPerformed by Stefanie Sun 孙燕姿

Arrangement of We will Get There & One People One Nation One Singapore for NDP 2014Performed by Tay Kewei, Ann Hussein, Gayle Nerva, Farisha Ishak, Rahimah Rahim and Tabitha NauserDirected by Peggy Goh