1st grade Writing

How to write Realistic Fiction

Realistic fiction is a type of writing that seems like it could be real, but it isn't. The things that happen in the story could be real, but they aren't.

Watch a video each day and follow the directions to create a realistic, fictional story, step-by-step.

Episode 1: What is It?

Watch the video to learn about realistic fiction. Find an example of a realistic fiction book in the books you have at home or explain to a family member what makes a book realistic fiction.

Episode 2: Brainstorming

Watch the video. Then, get a piece of paper and divide it into 4 parts like in the video. Brainstorm who the characters will be, the setting, the problem, and the solution for your story.

Episode 3: Writing an Introduction

Watch the video. Then, write the introduction to your story.

Episode 4: Writing a Draft

Watch the video. Then, write a draft of your realistic fiction story.

Episode 5: Writing a Draft

Watch the video. Then, get a piece of paper and write the closing to your story.

Episode 6: Revising Your Writing

Watch the video. Then, re-read your story. Look for ways to make your story better.

Editing Your Writing

Watch this video on editing your writing. After watching the video, re-read your story and correct any parts of your writing that need to be corrected such as misspelled sight words, words that need to be stretched out further, capitalization errors, or punctuation errors.

Publishing Your Story

Get some blank sheets of paper to create your book. Write your story in your best handwriting. Draw illustrations for each page of the book. Finally, create a cover for your book that includes the title, the author's name (that's you), and an illustration for your cover. Share your story with your family.

Journal Writing Prompts

Do you love journaling? I hope so! Writing in a journal is a great thing to do. I hope you enjoy it.

Choose any of the topics to write about in your journal.

  • Pick a toy. If it could talk, what would it say?

  • I think a great adventure would be….

  • What I know about rocks is….

  • I made someone laugh when….

  • What was fun at your last birthday?

  • What if cats could talk? Tell about a day in the life of a talking cat.

  • What if you grew a tail? How would your life be different?

  • When I grow up, I will….

  • What makes a person kind?

  • No one knows that I….

  • If I made dinner, it would be….

  • What would you do if no one could see you?

  • When you feel sad, what do you do to feel better?

  • What did you do on your birthday?

Story Starters

Do you like to tap into your imagination and write stories? I hope so! These story starters will help you think of topics to write about.

Choose any of the topics to write about in your journal.

  • Imagine you have a superpower. What is it? What can you do?

  • What if you could be a magical animal like a unicorn or a dragon? What would your day be like?

  • Imagine you could travel in time? Where would you go? Why?

  • What if you could only bark instead of talking? What would your life be like?

  • Write about a scary night in the woods.

  • You can not use your hands for a day. Tell what happens.

  • You find a magic rock. What does it do?

  • You wake up to find out you are the president. What is something you would like to change about the country? Why? How would you do it?

  • Your mom or dad has to go to first grade for a day. Describe their day.

  • You get one wish. What is it? Why?

  • In your backyard, you find a treasure. What is it? What happens next?