4th grade Writing

Text dependent analysis (TDA)

Click on the pictures below to learn how to write a TDA.

Types of Writing

Watch the BrainPop video to learn about the different types of writing.

Journal Writing Prompts

Do you love journaling? I hope so! Writing in a journal is a great thing to do, I hope you enjoy it.

Choose any of the topics to write about in your journal.

  • If you had one wish and couldn't wish for more wishes, what would you ask for?

  • Make a list of 25 things you love about your life.

  • Who inspires you?

  • What kind of object are you like?

  • Tell about a time you out-smarted another person? Explain how you did it?

  • How do you feel about rainy days?

  • What is something that you've never done before but want to? Why?

  • What is your favorite hobby? Tell about the last time you did it.

  • How are you like someone else in your family?

  • How would you handle it if you saw someone being bullied?

  • What was the last hard decision you had to make? Why was it difficult?

  • Have you ever been homesick? What was it like?

  • What would you say to your kindergarten self?

  • Have you ever been talked into something? How did it work out?

  • Tell about something weird that happened on a family outing or vacation.

  • What has a grandparent or other older adult taught you?

Descriptive Writing Prompts

Do you like to write in ways that show a clear, vivid description of a person, place, or thing within your story? Try to describe something, an object, person, place, experience, emotion, situation in your writing.

Choose any of the topics to write about in your journal.

-Describe a common food, such as pizza or waffles, to someone who has never heard of it before.

-Tell about the last time you hurt yourself. What happened? What did it feel like?

-Describe your mom or dad's three best qualities.

-Tell about someone you know who is a good friend. What makes that person awesome

-Write about your favorite holiday meal.

-Describe your state to someone who has never been there.

-What does your bedroom look like? Provides lots of descriptive details.

-What is your favorite season? What makes it great?

What were you for Halloween last year? Describe your costume.

What do you know how to cook? Detail the steps involved in making that food.

Persuasive writing Prompts

Think about issues you may have never thought about before—take a stand and justify your opinions. Persuade others to think the way you do. Make sure to support your opinion with reasons and examples.

Choose any of the topics to write about in your journal.

Should there be school in the summer? Why or why not?

Is it right that parents can get in trouble if kids don't go to school?

What is the best bedtime for a 4th grader? Explain why you think that.

Is sugar bad for kids? Why or why not?

Who is the best singer on the planet right now? What makes them the best?

Should siblings share a bedroom? Why or why not?

Are there movies kids shouldn't be allowed to see until they're in middle school? Why or why not?

Is homework good for learning? Why or why not?

How old should kids be when they get their own phones? What made you pick that age?

Who makes the best pizza? Why is theirs the best?