12th Night A&S Contests and Displays
Greetings All! Atlantia's 12th Night celebration will include many opportunities for the kingdom's artists and scientists to share their work with the populace. This year there will be both online and in-person activities. *NOTE: 12TH NIGHT IS NOW A VIRTUAL EVENT. ALL OF THESE ACTIVITIES ARE NOW VIRTUAL. THE DEADLINE FOR ENTRY HAS BEEN EXTENDED TO JANUARY 20* The entry form now includes options for an additional three challenges which were sponsored by individuals who have opted to take them online. These are Gothic Tracery, Humoral Theory (Humor Me), and Table Decor.
For those wishing to enter their work online, the form for all contests and displays is here. The form will close at midnight on Tuesday, January 4, 2022 to allow time for review and preparation of the display platform.
For those who plan to enter their work for in-person competition and display, there is another form to send in your documentation early to allow time for it to be read and understood prior to the event.
Please note that any entrant in the contests and displays can mark themselves as willing to serve Their Majesties and Atlantia as A&S Champion. More than one Champion can be selected to serve.
Don't forget that this is Atlantia's 40th anniversary year. The Kingdom Minister of Arts and Sciences is offering a token to those who celebrate some aspect it in their A&S entry.
Officially sponsored by the Kingdom Ministry of Arts and Sciences:
Tempore Atlantia - This contest is for items in the time period 1500-1600 AD. The winner of the competition will receive a token of appreciation. Entrants may also mark themselves as willing to serve as an A&S Champion.
As always, there is an urgent need to line up judges for both the online and in-person Tempore Atlantia entries. If you are willing to offer this valuable service, please contact the KMoAS. Find the 12th Night Judging Interest Form here. Online judges will be needed from January 5-10 and in-person judges at the event on January 15.
Open Display - Artisans and scientists will be welcome to display their pre-17th century works. There will be no judging of the entries. However, entrants may mark their displays as willing to receive commentary or for no comments. Entrants may also market themselves will to serve as an A&S Champion.
For further questions, contact Dame Deirdre O'Siodhachain at moas AT officer.atlantia.sca.org
Sponsored by Lady Esa inghean Donnchaidh:
Work in Progress (WIP) display - Intended to offer a showcase for projects in development and a chance to receive advice and encouragement, if requested. Entrants who want to participate online can use the form listed above. The KMoAS encourages those participating in the Invitatum communitatibus parvis (Small Team Challenge) to display their progress. There will be a roundtable discussion associated with the WIP display starting at 1PM and running for 1 hour. Contact Lady Esa at scamoas-women AT sca.org
Competition for Royal Bard will be run by current Rose Bard Baroness Nezhka.
12th Night A&S Online Competition and Display Schedule & Deadlines:
Note: All three virtual A&S activities will use the same online submission form.
Submission open December 14, 2021
If planning to enter in person, consider sending in your documentation early! Remember, there is a separate form for this (see above).
Submission close at midnight on January 4, 2022
Judging closes at midnight on January 10, 2022
Results of on-line Tempore Atlantia announced in conjunction with 12th Night on January 15, 2022
The Tempore Atlantia is for the time period 1500-1600 AD. Open displays are for pre-17th Century entries.
Entrants who wish to be considered as an A&S champion should indicate their willingness to serve in this capacity.
Any entry which celebrates Atlantia's 40th anniversary will receive a token of appreciation from the KMoAS.
All participants must fill out a Digital Release form when they submit their entry with the correct selections to allow posting to the Activities page. Failure to submit this form properly will prevent competition organizers from being able to include your entry. You will have until 24 hours after the submission deadline (so until midnight on January 5) to provide the correctly filled out release form. There is a place to do this on the entry form.
Please don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions - contact Dame Deirdre O'Siodhachain (moas AT officer.atlantia.sca.org).