Teaching Outside in Maine 101 Module
This module has migrated to a new location. Click here for the updated content on the Teach ME Outside website.
Welcome to the Teaching Outside in Maine 101 Module! We are thrilled to be working with you to help introduce students in your community to the outdoors. Whether you’re moving an existing lesson plan outside to take advantage of the mental health benefits of fresh air, or leveraging your local ecosystem and natural resources to support learning goals across multiple disciplines, we are excited to partner with you in your learning journey.
We hope this module will provide three key benefits:
1. A starting point to facilitate conversations about creating and supporting a culture of bringing students outside at your school;
2. A set of practical tools for bringing students outside; and
3. Resources and guidance for how to explore this type of education further.
If you'd like to download a PDF of the full 30 page module with live links, see the Full Module Guide link below. If you'd prefer to view the module chunked out into sections, you can scroll down for the facilitation guide and associated documents/resources for each section!
Finally, please register below if you are using the module documents in your school or community. We'd love to follow-up with you for your feedback as well as to hear about how you're using these materials.
And visit teachmeoutside.org for more great information, resources, and upcoming training opportunities!
Teaching Outside in Maine 101
Click here if you want to access the entire 30 page guide with live links and faciliate a Teaching Outside in Maine 101 journey with a team of your peers!
Click here if you want to explore the Teaching Outside in Maine 101 resources and discussion prompts as an individual reflection!
Module Sections and Resources
Introduction and Preparing for the Module
Facilitation Materials
Key Resources and Handouts
Section 1: Group Norms and Why Teach Outside
Facilitation Materials
Key Resources and Handouts
Section 2: Case Studies of Teaching Students Outside in Maine
Facilitation Materials
Key Resources and Handouts
Section 3: School Space and Community Support Inventory
Facilitation Materials
Key Resources and Handouts
Section 4: Managing Students in the Outdoors and Refining Outdoor Goals
Facilitation Materials
Key Resources and Handouts
Section 5: Planning for Outdoor Learning At Your School
Facilitation Materials
Key Resources and Handouts
Module Wrap Up
Facilitation Materials
Key Resources and Handouts