Agroecological Education Resources

Below you will find resources to guide a study of the 10 Elements of Agroecology as described by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization. Why do we use this pedagogy in Agriculture Class at MITCH?

Agroecology is fundamentally different from other approaches to sustainable development. Rather than tweaking the practices of unsustainable agricultural systems, agroecology seeks to transform agricultural systems, addressing the root causes of problems in an integrated way and providing holistic and long-term solutions. This includes an explicit focus on social and economic dimensions of food systems, as well as the rights of women, youth and indigenous peoples. It combines the wisdom and experience of traditional agricultural systems and scientific innovation, emphasizing the power of every human in an equitable food system.







Co-creation & Sharing of Knowledge

Human & Social Values

Culture & Food Traditions

Responsible Governance

Circular & Solidarity Economy

Agroecological Activities