Incoming PhD Student @ MIT BCS

Gun Ahn


Having experienced a period of depression, I am deeply motivated to understand the complex interplay of brain circuitry and its impact on mood and behavior. 

I aim to explore this interplay's underlying mechanisms through hands-on experiments and theoretical modeling to develop more precise and potent diagnostic/therapeutic approaches for depression. 

Currently, I am working with Institute Professor Ann Graybiel at MIT as a visiting research fellow. 

I will pursue my Ph.D. journey in Brain and Cognitive Sciences at MIT from Sep 2024



Ph.D. in Brain and Cognitive Sciences (Sep 2024 ~ )

M.S in Bioengineering (Expected: June 2024)

B.S in Material Science and Engineering (Minor: Brain-Mind-Behavior)


Ahn, G.(*), Kim, B.(*), Kim, K.K., Kim, H., Lee, E., Ahn, W.Y., Kim, J.W. and Cha, J., 2021. Identifying Prepubertal Children with Risk for Suicide Using Deep Neural Network Trained on Multimodal Brain Imaging. In: Shaban-Nejad, A., Michalowski, M., Bianco, S. (eds.) AI for Disease Surveillance and Pandemic Intelligence.W3PHAI 2021. Studies in Computational Intelligence, vol 1013. Springer, Cham. [Link to : Code, Paper ]

Ahn, G.(*), Choi, B.S.(*), Ko, S., Jo, C., Han, H.S., Lee, M.C. and Ro, D.H., 2022. High-Resolution Knee Plain Radiography Image Synthesis Using Style Generative Adversarial Network Adaptive Discriminator Augmentation. Journal of Orthopaedic Research®. [Link to : Code, Paper]

Kim, B.G.(*), Ahn, G.(*), Kim, S.(*), Kim, K., Kim, H., Ahn, W.Y., Kim, J.W. and Cha, J., 2021. Identifying Prepubertal Children with Risk for Suicide Using Deep Neural Network Trained on Multimodal Brain Imaging-Derived Phenotypes. medRxiv. [Link to : Code, Paper]

Kim, K., Joo, Y.Y., Ahn, G., Wang, H.H., Moon, S.Y., Kim, H., Ahn, W.Y. and Cha, J., 2022. The sexual brain, genes, and cognition: A machine-predicted brain sex score explains individual differences in cognitive intelligence and genetic influence in young children., Human Brain Mapping. [Link to : Code, Paper]

Kim, J., Yang, H., Kim, S.H., Kim, S., Lee, J., Ryu, J., Kim, K., Kim, Z., Ahn, G., Kwon, D., Yoon, H., 2024. The Deep learning-based long-term risk evaluation of incident type 2 diabetes using electrocardiogram in a non-diabetic population: a retrospective, multicentre study, eClinicalMedicine [Link to : Paper]

Honors and Awards

Asan Foundation Biomedical Science Scholarship :

For students demonstrating outstanding academic achievement and community service in the Biomedical field. Asan Foundation.

Biomedical Global Talent Nurturing Program ($40,000): 

For biomedical engineers who will lead national society, Korea Health Industry Development Institute (Jan. 2023-Dec. 2023)

Certificate of Appreciation, Yoo Suk Hong, Dean, College of Engineering, SNU (Sep. 2022): Appreciation for the contribution of youth scholarship to the education and research foundation

Certificate of Appreciation, Kookheon Cha, Dean, College of Engineering, SNU (Jul. 2021): Acknowledgement of genuine and creative efforts at the forefront of AI education in Korea


• Language: Korean(Native), English(Toefl Home-ed 104 L:29 R:28 W:24 S:23), Finnish(intermediate) 

• Programming: Python(Advanced), Matlab(Advanced), R 

• Frameworks: Pytorch(Advanced), Scikit(Advanced), OpenCV(Advanced), TensorFlow, Keras 

• Tools: DeepLabCut, B-SOiD, Doric, Bonsai, Docker, Git, SQL 

• Mouse surgery: Viral injection, Fiber photometry implantation