Check out the resources and links below: 

Classroom allows you to see every student’s screen at the same time and navigate students or the entire class to a web page, book, or app.


How do I connect my classroom iPads to the Internet? 

Turn on the charged device, and It should auto-connect to the Wifi: MISDMDM.  If it does not, please enter a Help Ticket. 

Should I sign into the student iPads with my Apple ID? Or should students?

No, our district iPads are shared devices. Do not sign in with personal Apple IDs.

How do I get more Apps on my student iPads?

Check to see if the app is available in the Manager. Click the Manager App, and then, click the "Self-Service" button in the bottom right corner, you do not need to login. If the App you want is not in the Manager, you can request an app with a Help Ticket.

How do I request Apps?

Request an App, by putting in a Help Ticket.