4th Grade Newsletter 

Meet the 4th grade team!

Teacher Amazon Wishlist 

Mr.s. Gross

Mrs. Steward 

Mrs. Simmons

Mrs. Reirdon 

Mrs. Scott

Mrs. Smith 

Upcoming Events


Chocolate Fundraiser ended on the 14th ( Please turn in money to PTA).

Monday 17th - STAAR Pep Rally 2:30-3pm - Gym

18th -STAAR Reading test (3rd Grade)

19th- STAAR Reading test (4th Grade)

21st - Career Day 8:30-11:15

24th -28th Teacher Appreciation Week

28th Senior Clap Out


2nd- STAAR Reading test (3rd Grade)

3rd- STAAR Reading test (4th Grade)

8th-12th- Innovation Week

9th- Volunteer Breakfast

12th- 4th Grade field trip to Hawaiian Falls

15th-19th BOGO Book Fair Week

19th House Rally

19th Globe Life Field Trip

24th Moving Up Ceremony ( Willie Pigg Auditorium) 6pm

25th Last Day of School


(Every Friday  is HOUSE color unless noted otherwise.)

Reminders :

Dear Parents,

Our fourth graders will be traveling to the Hawaiian Falls Waterpark on May 12, 2023. Students will be celebrating the end of the year in an annual splash day at Hawaiian Falls

 The cost of the field trip is pending per student. The money includes the entrance fee to the waterpark, a hot dog lunch,  and the cost of the buses. Chaperones will pay  the entrance fee to the waterpark at the entrance of the park. Parents will need to pay for the cost of their child  online using a  link. Please sign all permission slips in your child’s Daily Folder for this field trip as soon as possible when it goes home. 


The window for the payment is only Pending. Chaperones will pay at the door of the waterpark.

Students may still order a lunch from the cafeteria. .

__________My child needs to order a sack lunch from the cafeteria.

__________I would like to be a chaperone for the field trip. We need chaperones!

_____________________                                              __________________

Student’s name                                                                  __________________

 Chaperone(s) Names

Thank You,

The Fourth Grade Team

Back to School Supplies 

Coming Soon


Chromebook News Flash

Students will take the STAAR assessment online this year.  Please make sure that your child's Chromebook is functioning  properly 

 including the screen).  Here are a few things we would like students to have but are not required.  More information will go home toward the testing date. 

 Headphones -to block out sound and distractions and to listen. 

 Mouse - help student navigate online more efficiently.  Mrs. Scott is also working hard collecting as many as she can for our students. 


Look at what we are Learning!

Math-    MATH Unit 8Measurement 

Science -  Food Chains 

Reading/Writing -  Boot Camp 

Phonics-    Boot Camp

Social Studies -  

House Winner for Week Masterminds!!! Wacky Tacky PJ Day 



Apps to Download on Student Devices and Important Links

Students Must Log on to ClassLink in order to access the majority of their accounts. Here is the link if you need it: Mansfield Class Link.

*Parents have access to their child's grades through Family Skyward. Please register if you haven't already.

All parents must submit a Mansfield Parent Background Check Form if they plan on volunteering and/or chaperoning field trips. Please click on this link and then choose our school to submit form. Mansfield Parent Background Check.

Keep Track of Student Grades