Our Season is On It's WAY! It's been a great start! We had our Nordic Kick Off, and if you missed it, here is the Presentation & Cheat Sheet and all you need to know! Questions? Email Coach Britt @ guildbritt@minnehahaacademy.net
Slideshow Presentation HERE
Cheat Sheet Info HERE
If you need to pay for any rentals, activity fee (included passes), etc, please go to this site:
8th graders
Rollerskiing on Snow?
10-12th Graders
Dry land training is FUN!
6th & 7th Graders
Race Day at ABC Relays
Sunny day for a ski race!
Guild Girls first Race Together
Nordic is So Much Fun!
Wearing a buff
Classic Skiing
Classic Skiing
Chilly night and gorgeous sky
Chalet at night at AC
Relaxing in the Chalet
Music in the Chalet
ABC Relays
Winning Conference Boys 2024
Costume Race
Lined up for a great race!
Skate Skiing
Getting ready to go!
Fun Times at Mesabi
Mesabi Dinner Time!
Costume race with coach Michelle