Thurston Woods Social-Emotional Learning Homepage
Welcome to the Thurston Woods social-emotional learning web page! Here you will find all kinds of fun activities and useful resources to support learning
Food delivery available in area codes 53205, 53206, or 53233 ; register here by June 11th
Meal pick up at a variety of local schools; pick up orders need to be placed in advance. Place orders here
Milwaukee Parks and Rec Affordable Summer Childcare Click Here
View a list of affordable childcare sites here
Abby Lopez
School Psychologist
(414) 248-5217
(Call or text) (Remote phone number)
(414) 393-2830(school office)
Things I can help students with:
Finding ways to cope or deal with any emotions during this or any difficult time
Helping set goals and figure out how to do your best learning whether online or in person!
Things I can help families with:
Questions about Special Education evaluations, re-evaluations, and referrals.
Lyniece Maiden
School Social Worker
(414) 867-4829 (Call or text) (Remote phone number )
(414) 393-2882 (school office)
Things I can help students with:
Finding ways to cope or deal with any emotions during this or any difficult time
Provide resources to other people/places that can help you or your family if you need anything
Things I can help families with:
Assess needs and connect to community resources, including (but not limited to) helping you provide for your family during this time
If you are experiencing an emergency, click here and contact one of the following resources for immediate assistance
Milwaukee Police Department 911 (Emergency) 414-933-4444 (Non-emergency)
IMPACT 2-1-1
Call 211 or text your zipcode to TXT-211 [898-211]
Impact First Call for Help with a community resource specialist.
Crisis Text Line
Text "HOME" to 741741
A live, trained Crisis Counselor receives the text and responds, all from the secure online platform. The volunteer Crisis Counselor will help you move from a hot moment to a cool moment.
Milwaukee County Crisis Hotline
Individuals seeking assistance can talk with a professional who is able to provide counseling, information and referrals to community resources. Also assists agencies and individuals working with suicidal individuals and/or people in crisis.
Children't Mobile Treatment Team (previously called MUTT) 24-hour crisis intervention services in Milwaukee
A telephone and mobile crisis service for children and adolescents (to age 18). Will answer questions and concerns about your child by phone or by meeting with you and your child in the community or at home.
The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
1-800-273-TALK (1-800-273-8255)
Suicide Prevention Hopeline
1-800-SUICIDE (1-800-784-2433)
Thank you to the support staff at STARMS for helping with our site.