7th/8th Grade

Hello Middle School Families,

Here are some key points we'd like to cover with you about the different areas I cover in class with your students:

Academic, Social, and Mental Health Skills...

These years can have a great impact on a students' High School and future experience. We encourage students to explore interests both in and out of school, get involved in activities or programs, and make progress on their academics.

High School...

This is a great time to start thinking about High School choices if you haven't already. Some schools will use 7th grade records as part of their admissions process. In the Parent ACP folder (click the link) we have a chart explaining the criteria for high schools that use it. We also have some sample course catalogs or flow charts which give students a better idea of classes they may experience.


In class we cover some introductory ideas about college and post-secondary training.

We also encourage students to begin noticing what education is required for careers that interest them (also found in Xello).

Further, because advanced coursework is an important factor in college admissions, we encourage students to challenge themselves now in subject areas they find interesting or excel in.


At the Adolescent level, we emphasize "Career Exploration" more than "Figuring out" what careers a student wants. Students have an app in their student toolbox called "Xello" that includes career matchmaker surveys, learning style tips, and a database of career profiles.

We hope students will take an interest in using their Xello app beyond classroom time to explore careers, and get a clearer understanding of careers they think might fit with them.

+++ ACP Parent Google Folder +++


High School Selection News

Selective HS Criteria_w/ tips and details 23-24