
MPS does not have a subscription for this platform. All teachers and staff in the district can use the free version of Edpuzzle.

With ClassroomScreen, there a number of digital widgets teachers can project onto a screen for the entire class. Select a language and background to get started, and then place the desired widget where students can view it easily. Use the clock, timer, traffic light, and sound level tools to guide independent work or enhance the flow of group work. Be sure to use the text and drawing tools to add context to instructions. And if you're using the random name generator, click to save the inputted names into a text file for later use.

One particularly useful feature is the duo widget option, which lets you divide the screen into two and give student groups different assignments. The work symbols (whisper, silence, ask neighbor, and work together) are useful here if you'd like one group to work together while the other group stays quiet. You can also give each group different start and end times.