Book Creator

MPS does not have a subscription for this platform.  All teachers and staff in the district can use the free version of Book Creator.  

Book Creator is a digital book-making tool.  Students join the class library using a code, and then any books they create can be accessed by the teacher and added to the class library to share with classmates. To create a new book, tap the plus sign or New Book icon on the main screen, choose a book shape or template, and then tap the plus icon to add photos, videos, and typed words to the cover page, first page, and so on. Simply swipe to move content around the page and resize or rotate it as desired. Under the "i" tab, students will find many options for adjusting or deleting items. Every time they want to add something, they just tap the plus sign again. Once students are done, books can be shared in tons of ways.  There are options for text-to-speech, closed captions, screen reader compatibility, keyboard navigation, and more to support learners of different abilities. And multiple users can work on the same book across multiple devices, which can support remote learning.