Green Team Science

The Green Team Scientists will be spending the year exploring Energy and Matter. We begin by investigating how energy interacts with matter in some very specific ways. We start by investigating how light interacts with matter and how this can impact what we see.

Next we examine how heat energy impacts matter in some very consistent ways which keep "showing up" as we move through our different units of study. Students will add to their understanding of how water cycles on and around Earth and the role it plays in the weather patterns which form as a result.

Students will journey back in time to explore the history of Earth and come to understand some of the factors which created our planet . They will continue to study these forces and see how they are responsible for the ongoing changes which reshape our planet today . Some of these forces may have a positive impact on Earth such as creation of new landforms while others result in more negative impacts such as natural hazards which can permanently destroy landforms.

During each topic area we study, we will be looking at how humans impact our life on Earth, examining both problems and solutions. Current topics and natural events provide an anchor as we dig deep!

Our NGSS classroom will help students see the valuable role they play as resources to each other. Learning takes on a new "look" as their thinking is made public and will be challenged and revised as they continually add to what they know. This year we will be using technology to modify how many of our essential activities are done but the core values will still be encouraged. We share and learn from each other as our learning thrives.

I am looking forward a great year getting to know my new group of young scientists!

Please review the class syllabus by opening the doc below: