Advanced Placement Information

What are Advanced Placement Courses?

Advanced Placement courses are college-level curricula approved by the College Board to be offered at the high school level. Participating students experience the rigors of college-level studies with the support of the high school environment. These courses offer students the opportunity to earn college credit while in high school.

Wondering About the Virtual Advanced Placement Experience?

Middletown Township Public School advanced placement students and teachers recently engaged in a round table discussion regarding their virtual experience with Advanced Placement course work and assessments. The group came together to help prepare future advanced placement students.

MTPS Advanced Placement Philosophy

The Middletown Township School District believes that all students can benefit from the rigor of Advanced Placement coursework. We believe that access to our very best curricula should be open to all students willing to put forth the effort to succeed in college-level courses. By making our Advanced Placement program more inclusive, we believe that Middletown students will be part of a college-going culture that will help to ensure his or her readiness to succeed at the post-secondary level.

College Credit or Course Placement for AP Scores?

How do I know if a college gives credit or course placement for Advanced Placement scores? Please review The College Board's AP Credit Policy Search website, which allows users to select their course(s) of interest from a dropdown menu and review which colleges and universities provide course credit.

Why Should I Consider Taking an AP Course?

Students may want to consider pursuing an Advanced Placement course if:

  • If they have a love of the subject;

  • Want a more rigorous and focused learning experience and;

  • Desire a greater academic challenge in the subject.

  • Participating in Advanced Placement courses displays initiative and the desire for a challenging educational experience on your transcript.

Expectations and Supports

Student Expectations

  • Weekly readings

  • Weekly homework

  • Summer preparation

  • Reflecting on and revising work

  • The AP Exam is the final step taken after a year of hard work in an AP class.

Student Supports

  • Advisory time

  • Feedback and revision opportunities

  • Redesigns Summer Tutorial

  • Test Prep Sessions (Offered to students in the spring before the AP exam is administered in May)

The Advanced Placement Exam

The exam provides students and teachers with a standardized measure of what they have accomplished in the AP classroom, which is an essential part of the AP program. Exams are assessed by unbiased college and university professors and AP teachers throughout the country using college-level standards. Final scores are sent to colleges of the student’s choosing. Many colleges and universities grant credit and placement for scores of 3, 4, or 5. Each college decides which scores it will accept.

  • Administered in May

  • Each exam costs approximately $100 (Cost incurred by families)

  • 2-3 hour assessments that include multiple choice and free response questions

  • Exams are scored on a scale of 1-5

      • 5 = Extremely Well Qualified

      • 4 = Well Qualified - means students have proven themselves capable of doing the work of an introductory-level course in a particular subject at college.

      • 3 = Qualified

      • 2 = Possibly Qualified - is not a failing grade.

      • 1 = No Recommendation

For additional information, please review The College Board's "About AP Score" webpage.

The Future of MTPS' Advanced Placement Program

The Middletown Township Public School District is dedicated to promoting inclusion rather than exclusion.

The district intends to provide access to our most rigorous curricula for all students.

All students can experience personal growth by participating in the rigors of AP coursework, which acclimates students to an academic culture that increases college-readiness and generates a more competitive high school transcript.