October 2018 EdTech Resources

Spooky Story Writing Activities

Want students to practice using suspense, foreshadowing, or plot structure in their writing and Halloween classroom activities? Have them write a scary story or draft an outline for their own original scary movie to practice structuring plot (you may want to give them a “rating limit” – e.g. nothing worse than a PG-13 film – if you’re squeamish). 

For something with more atmosphere and less potential “blood and guts,” ask them to write a descriptive paragraph that creates a creepy mood to develop skills in figurative language or foreshadowing. 

How To Halloween Writing

For younger kids, Halloween can be a great time to teach instructional or “how to” writing. Have kids write about how to choose the right costume, how to make your own costume, how to plan the best route for trick-or-treating, how to host the best Halloween party, etc. You’ll have higher student interest levels and give yourself some new topics for those “same old, same old” assignments. 

National #STEMweek

Thank you Paula Klipfel, Digital Learning Specialist, for creating and sharing this HyperDoc.

Student STEM Week

Seesaw Activities

Pumpkin Projects

Here’s a fun opportunity for K-2 teachers that incorporates math, science, and reading! Join the Pumpkin Seed Project!

The Pumpkin Seed Project Padlet below can be used as a KWL and has other resources to support this project as well.

Learning about pumpkins? Here are 2 Pumpkin life cycle Seesaw Activities! Click the images to access.

Click HERE for Seesaw activity.

Life Cycle of a Pumpkin - Coding 

Seesaw Activity