Applications for Summer Cohort 2024


March 1-June 5, 2024

The Georgia Teacher Academy for Preparation and Pedagogy (GaTAPP) is a classroom-based teacher preparation option for individuals who have the basic qualifications to teach early childhood, middle-grades, secondary, or P-12 education but have not completed a teacher preparation program. 

The program is not intended to replace regular college teacher education programs. It is, instead, an alternative option for individuals who hold a bachelor’s degree or higher from an accredited institute, but who did not complete teacher education preparation requirements as part of their degree programs. 

Georgia TAPP seeks to equip teacher candidates with the skills to ensure a reasonable expectation of initial success in their classrooms, and to put in place a supervised internship/induction program that will help them move toward subsequent mastery of teaching.

The State established RESAs to serve staff and students in state school systems.  GaTAPP teacher candidates fill public school teaching positions.

Middle Georgia RESA GaTAPP Conceptual Framework

TAPP Coordinator

Ms. Pam Slocumb