Map Tells...! shares your location with your companion  in a smart and safe way! 

The new 'Map Tells...!' is more convenient!

'Map Tells...!' is now offering iPhone users the newest version of the app, which provides a more comfortable way to share users’ locations with their companions.


The new "Map Tells...!" update has the following features:

·     Preview

· Lay-out

· Banner ad   

What is 'Map Tells...!'?

'Map Tells...!' is an app that shares your location with your companion by providing a Google Maps’ link and photo. 

Moreover, "Map Tells...!" does not require your companions to install the app, so using it is a breeze for everyone. This app is only available on iPhone, but the e-mail and SNS is available on Android and PC as well.

Background of the development

Meeting up is a bit confusing...

When you meet up with a friend at a new location, how can you relieve their concern about reaching the place safely?

Do you:

-Explain the directions to the location in detail? 

-Send a screenshot of a digital map in your handwriting?

-Install an app that can share digital location information? 

-Go somewhere the friend is familiar with instead? 

The above ideas can solve the issue to some degree, but an essential aspect is still missing…

A digital map is a part of useful...

A visual confirmation of the location is necessary. It provides a person with fresh information that a digital map cannot hold. A digital map can guide the person to "the general area”, but it cannot deliver specifics about the location, such as the atmosphere or landmarks. 

Consider a scenario: you’re supposed to meet your friend at Shibuya in Tokyo, Japan. 

The popular waiting spot in Shibuya is “Hachiko” (a statue of a dog). It is crowded every day, so you need to wait for your friend away from the statue. In this case, a digital map is not enough to guide your friend to your current location. Your explanation would be like this, “I am on the right side of the building near Hachiko”. Your friend might think, “Which building is my friend referencing? From which viewpoint can he/she see the right side?” Without this information, your friend may fail to reach the meeting point and become uneasy. 

"Map Tells...!" guide your friend to the meeting up location 

Once you use this app, you can  provide a Google Maps’ link and photo where you are waiting now. The message receiver follows the directions (on the map or through a navigation system) and compares the photo you sent and the scenery that he/she is viewing; then, the app guides your companion to the meeting location successfully. 

Moreover, "Map Tells...!" does not require your companions to install the app, so using it is a breeze for everyone. This app is only available on iPhone, but the e-mail is available on Android and PC as well.

How to use "Map Tells...!"


If the recipient has the Google Maps app on his/her smartphone, it will open automatically and show the relevant location. If your companion does not have the Google Maps app, the hyperlink will open Google Maps’ site in their preferred internet browser. 

Keep in mind that "Map Tells...!" asks for permission to use the camera and location functions on your iPhone. 

Also, "Map Tells...!" may not work on iPad correctly.  Use this app on iPhone.

Share your location with your companions in a smart and safe way! 

Questions and Requests

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