Arcola Football

Arcola Football 2024

Playing is a privilege, not a right

The coaching staff will be:

Head/Defensive Coach Mayan - 

Offensive Coach Torrens

All forms are located at and must be completed prior to the first day of school. You may not be present at practice if the paperwork is not completed!

Our web site is:Athletics / Football

The schedule will be found here: Schedule

Use the remind app or text @398a4d to the number 81010 

The first day of practice is Monday, August 19th at 3:00 (meet on the field with your name on your shirt...Front and Back), Be sure to have a ride at 5, August 20th and August 21st, then August 27th after school, and every school day for the rest of the season (3-5). Once school starts we meet in the team with your name on your shirt...Front and Back. Be sure to have a ride at 5. Bring Plenty of water! You will be doing a lot of running.

Update: time change and added days due to heat accumulation.

Monday the 19th 3:00 to 4:30

Tuesday the 20th 3:00 to 4:30

Wednesday the 21st 3:00 to 4:30

Thursday the 22nd 3:00 to 4:30

Friday the 23rd 9:00 am to 10:30 am

Bring Plenty of water! You will be doing a lot of running.

Have your last name on the front and back of your teeshirt. This way the coaches will know who you are.

The games will be on Tuesdays unless otherwise stated.  For all games, players must be on the bus to the game and back to school. Home games will take place off campus.

An Arcola football player is…


-Members may not be failing two or more subjects.

-Two “ineligible” periods may result in removal from the team.

-Three detentions or one suspension will result in removal from the team.


-Players must communicate with a coach when there is a conflict before a practice or game.

-Three “unexcused” absences may result in removal from the team.

-PIAA rules state that a player must arrive at school before 10:00 am in order to participate that day.

-Any missed practice can affect participation in games.


-Respect other team members' abilities and efforts.

-Participation in games is earned and not guaranteed.

-We win as a team and lose as a team.


Ready to work hard and have a great season!

Playing is a privilege, not a right

Arcola Football Strength & Conditioning Program

“ Today I will do what others won’t, so tomorrow I can accomplish what others can’t” - Jerry Rice

Keys to safe and effective training



***For all workouts, it is very important that you view the videos and/or read the information found on the websites listed. Not doing so may lead to you performing the drills or workout incorrectly thereby defeating the purpose of the workout, or worse, cause injury.

Strength Program for the summer

Please re-read the “Keys to Safe and Effective Training” found at the beginning of this document

Weightlifting – If you plan to lift weights, make sure that you do so under the guidance of a trained or experienced adult; a coach or trainer for example. A plan should be made for you that fits your individual body and goals.  Always make certain that you are doing the lifts properly, that you have a spotter, and that you are lifting a weight that you can handle. If you do not have access to weights or someone to help you, then see below...

Bodyweight Exercise Plan – The following is a very basic plan that anyone can do on their own. 

1. Warm-up - See warm-up in the “Speed, Agility, & Conditioning” section.

2. Workouts - If it’s easy, wear a backpack with weights in it, or a weighted vest, or hold something heavy...add weight to your body. 

Pushups - go to and follow the program there.

a.       Modified style is ok when you begin your training but a regular style is expected when football begins. Pushup Variations if you cannot do a perfect pushup .(


“A” Day   

“B” Day

3. Burpees - 20 every day!! Your goal is to do them in a row without stopping.- The Burpee 

4.  Tennis Ball Squeezes - Get a tennis ball and squeeze as hard as you can. At least 20 per hand, every other day. Grip strength is critical in most football skills. 

5. Stretch all muscles worked. See “Stretch” in the next section.

Speed, Agility, and Conditioning

1. Alternate days with Strength work. However, you may do both on the same day. I recommend that you strength train first.

2. QB/WR/RB/TE - Carry a football wherever you can

3. Complete the Warm-up before EVERY workout

4. Choose B or C and follow the program for the rest of the summer. Add “D” as described below or in place of B or C.

5. Unless it’s otherwise stated, GIVE MAXIMUM EFFORT EVERY SINGLE TIME!!!!


7. Stretch after each workout.

The Workouts

2. Cone Agilities (2 cones placed 5 yards apart, you will go around the far cone for each drill)

Speed Conditioning Workouts - go to

E. Stretch -  Follow post-workout stretch video here 5-minute post-workout stretch and recovery 


“Every day you either get better or you get worse. You never stay the same.”
