Incident Response

To access all HICS forms, click here.

HICS is an incident management system based on principles of the Incident Command System (ICS), which assists hospitals and healthcare organizations in improving their emergency management planning, response, and recovery capabilities for unplanned and planned events.

HICS forms (linked above) can help emergency response personnel at health and medical agencies structure their response in an organized, thorough fashion.

Mesa County ESF8 Coordination Calls

In the event that the ESF8 agencies in Mesa County will need to share information, resources, or conduct response planning, the following Coordination Call information will be used. Dates and times of the calls will be sent out via the email, and a schedule will be posted here.


GotoMeeting Information:

Mesa County ESF8 Coordination Call

Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.

You can also dial in using your phone.

United States: +1 (786) 535-3211

Access Code: 710-801-525

Joining from a video-conferencing room or system?


Cisco devices: 710801525@

ESF8 Resource Request Forms

If your agency may need to request medical countermeasures during an emergency, the Medical Countermeasure Ordering Form can be partially completed now to save precious time during an incident.

Submit completed forms to with the subject line "Emergency Resource Request".

ICS-213-RR-Resource-Request-IMATS mod.doc

213RR (Resource Request) Form

Emergency MCM Ordering Tool Updated 11-2016.xls

Medical Countermeasure Ordering Form

cmc-ws-ordering_30550111 (3).pdf