Male Anatomy

Scrotum: A muscular sac structure that holds the testicles outside of the body.

Testes: (Testicles) Glands that produce the hormone testosterone and immature sperm.

Epididymis: A storage area for sperm to mature. It wraps around the top and backside of the testicles.

Vas Deferens: The tubes that connects the epididymis to the prostate gland. It also serves as a storage unit for sperm.

Seminal Vesicles: Glands located near the prostate, which produce nourishing fluid for sperm.

Prostate Gland: This gland produces fluid that nourishes sperm and gives semen the milky white color.

Semen: Milky white fluid released during sex. It consists of mature sperm and fluids from the vas deferens, prostate gland and seminal vesicles.

Urethra: The tube structure that carries urine from the bladder and semen from the vas deferens.

Penis: The external male organ that houses the urethra and empties urine from the bladder. During sex, this muscular tube fills with blood to create an erection or a hardening of the tissues. Semen is released through the urethra during sex.

The Male Cycle

The male cycle is actually a continuous cycle. The testes are continuously producing immature sperm which develop and move into the epididymis to mature even further. It takes around 64 days for the sperm to completely mature. The first 30 days the sperm cells divide several times.

The second 30 days, the sperm develop heads and tails. Tails allow the sperm to "swim" and the head is where genetic codes are stored. The male produces over 200 million sperm each day. This is the same number of sperm released during sex. The primary hormone produced by the testes is testosterone. This hormone is necessary for normal sperm production. The brain releases hormones that control how much testosterone is produced.