Mercer County
Educational Service Center
540 East Market Street
Celina, OH 45822
(419) 586-6628
Providing high quality cooperative services that positively impact the diverse educational needs of students, staff, and community.
We believe everyone
is valued
can learn and grow
will become successful and independent
New to Mercer County LPDC?
Mercer County LPDC is able to accept professional development activities completed at your previous school district.
In order for Mercer County LPDC to honor professional development activities from your previous school district, a completed & signed Educators Leaving an Ohio LPDC- Verification Form must be submitted to Mercer County LPDC.
You will need to have the Educators Leaving an Ohio LPDC- Verification Form completed and signed by your previous LPDC.
Please send the completed and signed Educators Leaving an Ohio LPDC- Verification Form via email to Sarah Poeppelman at
The final step is to write a new IPDP if you have less than 18 CEU's. You may want to check with your home district about their rules concerning IPDP's.
If you have questions please contact your district representative or email Sarah Poeppelman at