Leaving Mercer County LPDC
Are you leaving a Mercer County school to work in another county or state?
Mercer County LPDC is able to help you through this process. Here are a few simple steps to follow so that it will be a seamless transit to your new LPDC.
1.Download the Activity Verification Log. Click here for the log. You will need to fill out this form with all of your credit hours, CEU's, and contact hours.
2. Gather all of your documents:
-Activity log
-CEU certificates (certificates of completion/certificates of attendance)
-Activity Verification Form (if applicable)
-Official transcript (if applicable)
-Education Project completion form (if applicable)
3. Scan documentation or "share" documentation to Sarah Poeppelman: mercerlpdc@mercercountyesc.org and let her know you are leaving your current district. In the email include the last day of employment.
4. Sarah will respond to your email and she will attach the "Educator Leaving a LPDC" form.
5. Share the "Educator Leaving a LPDC" with your new LPDC committee. Also, check to see if you need to write a new IPDP.
Please email Sarah Poeppelman with any questions: sarah.poeppelman@mercercountyesc.org