For Menston Leaders

These applications have been developed to help our volunteer leaders with the admin involved in running their sections/units efficiently.  If you have suggestions for further applications, if you see errors or have questions please let me know. Please consider them as being at "Beta" development stage.
Roger Banister, GSL,

This is a digital replacement for the paper accident book which used to live in the leaders drawer in HQ. It can be filled in anywhere and gathers details of what happened. It then recreates the form as a PDF. A copy is emailed to the leader concerned, to the GSL for followup and a copy is filed for safe keeping. Generic details of the type of accident are displayed on the website to spot trends (no personal information).

Free bank accounts are no longer universal and they are difficult and time consuming to open and maintain, so many sections do not have them. Instead they rely on the Group for banking facilities. This application allows leaders to request cash from the Group Treasurer and provide the treasurer with the details required to make and account for the payment.

This is a directory of the Group's GSuite (Google Workspace) email addresses. This version includes the names of the volunteers with their roles and so needs to be protected under GDPR which is why access to it is limited to leaders who are logged into a Menston email address.

There is another version which only shows the roles and does not need such protection.

This is a guide to the facilities available to Menston  leaders in Google Workspace. It includes a directory which shows personal information (volunteers names) which is why it needs to be protected under GDPR.  A non protected version is also available.

Section leaders are Workspace Users by default and provided with a login and email address. Any other leader or supporter can have such a login by request if they think it will help them with their Scouting. 

This is the Group's waiting list. It is not a queue and time on the list makes does not give priority. The leaders select those to whom they offer places in order to give a balanced colony in terms of a spread of birthdates. They also give preference to children who have moved into the village having been members of Scout Groups at their previous address. This page also shows statistics on the age range of those on the list. As most of our leaders are also parents of Group members, this list is our primary recruiting ground for new volunteers.

Entry to the waiting list is by completion of this form.

This spreadsheet shows the age distribution of each section and the whole Group in order to avoid bulges caused by over recruitment in one section which can block movement from younger sections. 

Theory: The normal time in each section is:

The size of our meeting room sets a safe maximum size of the Scout Troop at about 30 which  equates to a target of 9 per school year per troop. We have 2 troops implying a maximum Group size of 144.