Miss Mary's Class

Mary Crump

Franklin School

Room #6



Extra Help Days/Times : Tuesday & Wednesday 2:50 -3:20 pm

Important Information and Upcoming Dates

Hello! Melrose Public Schools will closed Monday March 16th until June 19th, the end of the school year. These are a few resources that came out of the shared efforts by the Superintendent and the Mayor. As you seek information that pertains to your family and your child's school experiences over the next several weeks I hope you will find the information beneficial:

New Additions to the Franklin Virtual Backpack!

Families please visit our Virtual Backpack (one of the circles in the middle of the Franklin School site at melroseschools.com). You can sign up to receive notices directly to your inbox and save paper. Notices posted to the Virtual Backpack will not be copied onto paper or distributed in folders.

Emergency contact numbers: Please be sure your emergency contact person is someone who will be able to answer the phone if called and have means to pick up your child in case you are not able to.