March 22, 2022

Online Platform through Zoom Application

Why Water Resources ConsErvation and ManagEment

Countries in the Mekong region are vulnerable to the effects of climate change especially in water issues such as floods and drought. The irregular pattern of the seasons has resulted in crop harvest failures and water scarcity for human consumption in the region. The scarcity is regarded as one of the major environmental issues and has been an increasing concern of the Mekong countries as it impacts the well-being and livelihoods of the people as well as undermines the development potentials of the region.


India cooperation initiatives with the Mekong countries e.g. India Thailand Exchange Program (ITEP) and India Technical Economic Cooperation (ITEC) are contributing to academic exchange, training and research cooperation. Sharing of experience on emerging issues of mutual interest can gain in building a strong network of youth between India and Mekong countries to explore opportunities for collaboration in joint researches, exchanges, and visit.

agent of Change

Youth as the key important group in the society has the potential to play an instrumental role in leading efforts to address the complex water challenges in the future. This includes their contribution as change agents in implementing the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals.

A few barriers to these avenues might challenge this contribution including: (i) inconsistency between educational training, research and job market needs; and (ii) lack of opportunities which allow the youth sector to be an active contributor to the development of the future.

Forum platform

The forum is designed in the form of a plenary session and discussions which aims to contribute in deepening the collaboration among youth and students on emerging issues on water resources conservation and management.

The team of panelists comprises of key national experts of the identified topics with knowledge and experiences in planning, policy advising, and promoting cooperation opportunities.

The role of the moderator is to facilitate the discussion session with guided questions and feedback from the participants to ensure that insights and information meet the forum objectives and reach beneficiaries/stakeholders as to broaden the networking platform on water resources conservation and management.

target participants and cost

The forum is free of charge and open to all national and local government officials and other stakeholders/beneficiaries from the private sector, civil societies, and academic institutions who are involved and interested in water resources conservation and management area within and outside the Mekong countries. More specific target groups from Mekong countries and India comprising of;

  • Youth/University Students

  • Researchers

  • Governments / Ministries

  • Concerned Public Agencies

  • NGOs


  • Knowledge and experience sharing between India and Mekong countries on Water Resources Conservation and Management.

  • Create a platform for exchanges among experts and academics on joint research and training activities.

  • Explore avenues for student internship and youth exchange program between India and Mekong countries on Water Research Conservation and Management.

Expected Outputs

“Identified emerging issues on Water Resources Conservation and Management and a networking and knowledge exchange platform on Water Resources Conservation and Management as mechanism for youth engagement between India and Mekong countries”.

The goal of this event is

to contribute to deepen collaboration among youth and students on emerging issues on water resources management.

Mekong Institute

The Mekong Institute (MI) is an intergovernmental organization (IGO) founded by the six member countries of the Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS), namely Cambodia, P.R. China (Yunnan Province and Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region), Lao PDR, Myanmar, Thailand, and Vietnam. MI provides, implements and facilitates integrated human resource development (HRD), capacity building programs and development projects related to regional cooperation and integration.

MI's goals and strategies support the GMS Cooperation Program and the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC), emphasizing enhanced physical connectivity in the GMS economic corridors and the realization of the GMS/AEC target of a single market and production base, equitable growth, and sustainable resource management. MI programs and activities focus on three main thematic areas: Agricultural Development and Commercialization (ADC), Trade and Investment Facilitation (TIF), and Sustainable Energy and Environment (SEE).

MI is the recipient of the ASEAN Prize 2021 for its work in promoting a prosperous and harmonious sub-regional development, and contribution to a wider regional cooperation and integration.

More at https://www.mekonginstitute.org/