MEF International School, Istanbul

Weekly Newsletter

Visit from the Regional Director of Beşiktaş Ministry of Education

We were fortunate to have the Regional Director of Beşiktaş Ministry of Education visit the international school on Wednesday. The Director spent time visiting our school speaking to our teachers and students.

Teacher's Day Dinner and Plaque Ceremony

MEF Schools celebrated Teacher's Day with all faculty and staff at Portaxe last Friday. In addition, members of our community who have completed their 5th, 10th, 15th, 20th and 25th years were recognised in a special ceremony and given plaques for their service. From the international school we celebrated Melek Uludağ lab assistant, Ayşe Şenay Chemistry teacher, Nursemin Topkara Teacher Assistant, Serap Satana Administrative Assistant, Severine Frame French teacher for 5 years of service, Ayşe Akosman Mathematics teacher, Pınar Günsoy Turkish Literature teacher for 10 years of service, and Hamide Özgenç Support member for 20 years of service.

Language Coaches

We are fortunate to have volunteers dedicated to preserving our languages.

Primary and Secondary students are collaborating to talk about our family artifacts in our own mother tongues. Thank you for volunteering!

Boys Basketball Team

High School Boys Basketball Team won their opening game of the season against Robert College.

Girls Basketball Team

High School Girls Basketball Team fought in a tough battle against Robert College, just losing in a close game.

Our Mission: We inspire, nurture and challenge our students to realise their unique potential.

With our CIS/NEASC visitors on campus this week, we have been discussing our new guiding statements and how they are being enacted in our community. We expect our teachers to nurture our children to help them feel safe and valued. We have the same expectations for our parents, too. Our parent code of conduct can be found in the front pages of our parent handbook. How do you interact with the students and other parents when you are on the school campus?

Primary Student Council Assembly

Student council assembly was held on November 30 on Children's Rights. Student Council members who presented Children Rights banners prepared them in two different languages. They acted their skits and made them interactive.

Students participated in community singing during the assembly.

Our PE Teacher Mr. Atakan awarded MEF IS Sportsperson of the Month to Maria Kartoshkina.

Pre-K students have been working on Special Me and Special You unit. They are learning that everyone is special and unique. They are wearing "I am Special badge".

SS MEF IS Swimming Competition - Monday 10th December.

MEFIS swim team will be competing against 4 other schools from around Turkey next week. The Upper Primary to Grade 7 event will run from 9:00 am to 12:30 p.m., and the Grade 8 and above competition will start at 1p.m. and finish at 3:15 p.m. Good luck to all our swim team members.

Grade One to Five Winter Concert - Celebrating Life

Grade One to Five in the primary school celebrated their performing arts winter concert last week with singing, dancing and drama. The audience was taken through the decades from the sixties to the present day via a time machine three children found in Taksim Square.

Tell Us A Story! ECC Winter Performance

Preschool, PreK and Kindergarten students will share their creativity and imaginative storytelling on Friday 14 December at 9:00 in the Auditorium. They will retell two stories by the children's author, Jan Brett, accompanied by original songs by Christopher Jackson. Come use your imagination with us.

Computer Science Education Week

We've kick-started the Computer Science Education Week with unplugged activities in Grade 1 ICT lesson. Today they’ve heard the word “Code” for the first time in their 6 years life...

SS "Fine Arts Night"

This year’s Winter Concert, titled "Fine Arts Night", will take place on Thursday, December 13, from 6:00-8:30 p.m. The Art Exhibition will feature the multidimensional artwork of Grade 6-12 students, and songs related to 'persistence' will be featured at the Music Concert. We hope to see you!

SS International Women of Istanbul (IWI): Winter Festival

IB2 CAS students were invited for a second year in a row to participate in the IWI Winter Festival. They put a smile on many children at the festival as they face painted.

SS MEF "Mini-Uni" Fair

On Thursday, December 6th, high school students from MEF International School and MEF National School enjoyed learning about university and program options with reps from Europe, the UK and the USA. Each year upwards of 75 university representatives from around the world come to visit the MEF campus - a wonderful opportunity for our students and parents.

SS English

In English class, Grade 8s have been studying persuasion in advertisements, while the IB2s have been studying persuasive language, stereotypes, and popular culture in a unit titled Mass Communication. Today, IB2s were paired with Grade 8s with students sharing visuals and analyses of these images and the language used. It was a true success!

Important Dates

Dec 13 SS Art Exhibition - "Fine Arts Nights" - 6:00-8:30 p.m.

Dec 13 SS Winter Concert - "Fine Arts Nights" - 6:00-8:30 p.m.

Dec 14 - ECC Winter Concert

Dec 17 - PYP Parent workshop

Dec 21 Talent Show/Senior Auction

Dec 21 Early Closure 13:30

Dec 21 SS Curriculum newsletter to parents

Dec 24 - Jan 4 Winter Break

Jan 10 - 11, 14 - 15 SS Exam Week 2

Jan 11 Deadline for Primary School Talent Show registration

Jan 25- Primary School Talent Show


We inspire, nurture and challenge our learners to realise their unique potential.