Event: in the framework of the IV International Conference of Students and Young Scientists "From Experience to Project" 

Date: April 26, 2024 14.00 -17.00 with a coffee break.

Conference organizers: Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Faculty of Medicine and Healthcare.  

Competition venue: 280 Baizakov Street, Almaty, SmArt.Point.

Participants: bachelor students, interns, residents, master students, PhD students.

Conference languages: Kazakh, English, Russian. 

Contacts: Aigul Akimniyazova +77771749405, Gulsara Akanova +77026654361

General rules for applying for participation:  

·       To participate in the session, an application form must be filled out. 

·       Abstracts and applications are accepted until March 20, 2024 inclusive. Abstracts and applications should be sent by filling out the form at the link, Section - Innovative Projects and Startups.

·       Until April 1, 2024, participants will receive notifications on acceptance of materials for publication. Detailed information about the order of the conference will be specified in the conference program. 

·       The cost of participation in the conference is 10 000 tenge (the price includes the cost of publication of the collection, certificate, coffee break). 

Project design requirements: 

1. The project should be presented in the form of a poster report. The size of the stand width - 100 cm, height - 120 cm.

2. The poster should be made in color format

3. The name of the project should be centered at the top

4. In the left corner, the logo of the university the presenter is representing

5. Under the name of the project, the full names of all authors and the name of the scientific supervisor should be indicated separately

6. The recommended font size is 2 cm; the authors' full names and the name of the department where the work was done, section headings, coordinate axis designations on graphs - 1.5 cm; the rest of the text - 0.7 cm.

7. Figures and tables should have titles. The format of figures, tables, the height of letters, the thickness of lines in graphs, etc. should allow you to get acquainted with their content at a distance of at least 1.0 m. It is recommended to use color for greater clarity.

The main points of the poster to be presented in the report:

- Problem. A brief description of the existing problem in the market, which the presented business project is intended to solve. Relevance - the developer can present in the form of statistical diagrams, tables, etc.

- Solution. Justify how the business project solves the described problem? A full description of the product/service/technology that the startup company is supposed to realize. The authors can use photos of the product, schemes, demonstrate video or layout separately

- Project stage. This section contains financial indicators of the company - sales volume, profit (in case the company already exists and operates), all the resources available to the project at the moment - financial, human, material, intellectual property (available patents, technologies, know-how);

- Market. What market the project is focused on, what are the prospects and forecasts of market development? The prospects of market development significantly affect the success of the startup being presented!

- Business model. How will the business project make money? It is necessary to give the scheme of sales organization: whether it will be the creation of its own sales network, search for dealers and partners, sale of franchises, wholesale or retail sales, etc. Here you should also give the estimated sales volume and profit of the project for the next 2-3 years;

- Competitors and competitive advantages. What similar projects exist that solve the same problem as the startup being presented? In what ways will the startup project's products will be superior to competitors' products/services, and how sustainable will this competitive advantage be? 

- Team. Who will implement the project? It is necessary to present your team, briefly characterize the competencies and tasks of the participants, and, if necessary, indicate the presence of third-party specialists who will participate in the development of the startup. 

- Proposal for the investor. How much money is needed for implementation and how does the business project plan to use it? What is the investor's interest in the proposed venture? Specify all areas of spending financial resources: purchase of equipment, raw materials, hiring and training of employees, etc. 

- Risks. What can hinder the successful development of the start-up project? Describe possible risks existing in the market, which can negatively affect the success of the business project - changes in the market, the emergence of new technologies, the activities of competitors, the departure of key employees, etc. It is important to show the investor that the authors of the startup project are serious, not only aware of the possible risks but also have answers to the likely problems;

Project Presentation Requirements: 

1. The project team is given 15 minutes to present their business idea. 

2. It is necessary to prepare in advance all visual material (stand, ppt presentation if necessary, video clip, layout, etc.).

3. At the end of the presentation each team will have 15 min for discussion and answering questions. 

All participants of the session will be given certificates of participation.