Disciplines of departments

Disciplines studied at the Department of Fundamental Medicine by groups of educational programs:

В085 Pharmacy

Course 1

● Inorganic chemistry

● Professional Latin language with terminology

● Introduction to the profession

● Fundamentals of human anatomy and physiology

● Biophysics

● Botany

Course 2

● Organic chemistry

● Ethics and deontology in pharmacy

● Pharmaceutical Ward

● Molecular biology with the basics of genetics

Course 3

● Pharmacology

● Biological chemistry

● Technology of dosage forms

● Organization of pharmaceutical activities

● English language in pharmacy

● Introduction to the organization of scientific research

● Pharmacognosy

● Russian / Kazakh language in pharmacy

● Medical and pharmaceutical commodity science

● General research methods and drug analysis

● Fundamentals of social pharmacy (for the pharmacist-manager trajectory)

● Range of pharmaceutical products

● Laboratory and instrumental analysis methods

● Fundamentals of Clinical Pharmacy (for the trajectory of a clinical pharmacist)

Course 4

● Toxicological chemistry

● Standardization of medicines and raw materials

● Pharmaceutical chemistry

● Management and economics of pharmacy

● Industrial medicine technology

● Chemical analysis of medicinal products

● Economic aspects in pharmacy

● Factory technology of medicines and medical devices

● Licensing of pharmaceutical production according to GxP

● Clinical pharmacology

● Management and marketing in pharmacy

● Modern information technologies in pharmacy

● Fundamentals of entrepreneurial activity in pharmacy (for the pharmacist-manager trajectory)

● Management and sale of products in pharmacy

● Digital technologies in pharmacy

● Fundamentals of Pharmacoeconomics (for the trajectory of a clinical pharmacist)

Course 5

● Biopharmacy

● Chemical and toxicological studies of poisoning

● Pharmaceutical biotechnology

● Registration of medicines and medical devices

● Elective disciplines along training paths: pharmacist manager and clinical pharmacist

В086 General medicine

Course 1

Fundamentals of Human Anatomy with Medical Terminology

● From molecule to cell

● Molecular biology and bioorganic chemistry

Fundamentals of human morphology and physiology

Course 2

● Normal human morphology and physiology

● Mechanisms of defence and health

● General pathology

● Mechanisms of defence and disease

В087 Dentistry

Course 1

● From molecule to cell

● Normal human morphology and physiology

Course 2

● Mechanisms of defence and health

● General pathology

М142 Pharmacy

Course 1

● Organization and planning of scientific research in clinical pharmacy

● Organization and planning of scientific research in pharmaceutical chemistry

● Social foundations of pharmacy

● Strategic management

● Marketing research in pharmacy

● Principles for the formation of a guaranteed volume of free medical care

● Fundamentals of the Standard for Good Clinical Practice (GCP)

● Principles of the Standard for Good Pharmacovigilance Practice (GVP)

● Chemistry of synthetic medicinal substances

● Chemistry and technology of biologically active substances from plant materials

● Appropriate production and laboratory control of drug production processes

● Organization and planning of scientific research in pharmacy

● “Omix” technologies in medicine and pharmacy

● Environmental factors and their impact on public health for a pharmacist

Course 2

● Methodology of scientific research in pharmacy. Pharmacist Critical Thinking

● Introduction to R programming

● Basic understanding of the Python 3.0 programming language

● Systemic medicine and pharmacy - medicine of the future

● Principles of pharmaceutical care for over-the-counter dispensing of drugs for symptomatic treatment of various disorders in the body

● Biochemical and hematological studies in the diagnosis of diseases, assessment of the effectiveness and safety of drugs

● Clinical and pharmacological aspects of drug interactions with food and alcohol

● Physicochemical methods of pharmaceutical analysis

● Technology for the production of biological products

● Standardization of medicines and medical devices

М143 Biomedicine

Course 1

● Advances in biomedical science and new horizons

● Applied biomedical statistics

● Experimental models in biomedical research

● General pathology

● Fundamentals of Biomedical Knowledge and Research

● Good Biomedical Research Practice

● Cellular and molecular pathobiology

Course 2

● Systems biology and biomedicine

● Programming for the analysis of biomedical data

● Neurobiology

● Translational research in neurobiology

● Cancer biology

● Translational research in oncology

8D101 Pharmacy

Course 1

● Academic writing

● Research methods

● Pharmacoeconomic methods of scientific research in pharmacy

● Principles of Bioethics in Pharmacy

● Pharmacoeconomic methods of scientific research in the field of drug circulation

● Modern methods of research of clinical aspects in pharmacy

● Spectroscopic analysis of drugs

● Validation processes and their application in research and industry

● State regulation in the field of circulation of medicines and medical devices

● Innovation management in pharmacy

● Social pharmacy of the modern pharmaceutical market

● Modern principles of rational use of drugs

● Good clinical practice, international rules and standards for clinical trials of medicinal products

● Drug interactions, combination drugs

● Quality control and monitoring of drug safety

● Pharmacopoeial requirements for registration of medicinal products

● Organization of preclinical drug trials (GLP)

Course 2-3

● Doing a doctoral dissertation

● Research practice

● Participation in international conferences