About Us


We are IoMT solution provider. Our medical-agnostic technology will help people who prepare next generation medical devices.

Contact Information

E-mail: help@me-zoo.com

Tel: 82-33-761-2006

Fax: 82-33-761-2036

Address: 8F #808 Medical Device Complex Center, Gieopdosi-ro(st) 200, Jijeong-myeon, Wonju-si, Gangwon-do, Republic of Korea, (zip:26354)

The Way to MEZOO

ㆍ 8F #808 Medical Device Complex Center, Gieopdosi-ro(st) 200, Jijeong-myeon, Wonju-si, Gangwon-do, Republic of Korea

ㆍ E-Mail: help@me-zoo.com ㆍ Phone: +82-33-761-2006 ㆍ Fax: +82-33-761-2036

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