Dear interested prospective students, parents, and/or guardians,

Please, feel free to peruse this website to learn about Ceramics at Northgate. At the top, there are Pages to visit showing you About Ceramics, Ceramics 1 & 2 & Advanced, and last but definitely not least Projects & Student Examples that are made in Ceramics 1 course. Those students didn't think they could do it, but they did!

Ceramics 1, 2, and Advanced are CSU/UC accredited and it is a Fine Art, "f" in the requirement to graduate.

If you have any questions that are not answered here, please, feel free to email me at bowmanc@mdusd.org.

I would love to share my knowledge and love of this media with you. I can't wait to see what you come up with. Consider taking a leap into mud and see what beautiful outcomes arise!


Ms. Bowman

Student Work

Welcome to Ceramics!

This studio course emphasizes the fundamentals of hand-building techniques using the traditional medium of clay -- pinching, coiling, and slab construction. Students will learn the function of the ceramics studio and the implementation of safe studio practices. Also of importance is learning how an art studio can act as a community for sharing ideas and learning from each other. We will explore concepts, vocabulary, learn techniques, and participate in class discussions.

While the focus for this class is primarily the development of skills and techniques it will also challenge you in idea development. If skills and techniques are the ‘how’ in this class then ideas/concepts pertain to the ‘what’ and ‘why’. ‘What’ and ‘Why’ as they concern us include conceptual reasoning, consideration of craft, form, space, scale, site, presentation, and context.

Finally, this course will provide a forum for the discussion and exploration of sculptural practices, and begin to ignite the possibilities made available by such an expansive field through the medium of clay.

While working to the best of one’s ability is important, experimentation, and discovery through process and materials will be of paramount importance. In other words, it is important to be open-minded and playful when it comes to your work. Work with your accidents and make them assets. Great unexpected outcomes may happen!

You all bring your own experiences and abilities. You will learn from each other as much as you will from me. It is important you respect your own ‘voice’ as well as the voices of your peers. Only you can say what you have to say in the manner you chose to make. Trust yourself and play!

Ceramics 1 is a prerequisite for Ceramics 2 and the upper-level courses, which you are all encouraged to consider!

Let's Play!!!

Visual Arts

What I would like students to walk away with.

  • We are immersed in an increasingly complex visual culture. Students will learn to be visually literate.

  • Students learn how to “see” their world around them (not just in a logical manner but truly see).

  • Students to become not only consumers, but critics and creators of visual culture.

  • Advanced classes build upon earlier acquired skills. Students learn to develop their own personal vision and begin to formulate what they want to see. These students become highly visually literate.

If you would like give to our program click the above link and follow the link to the NHS Webstore- Ceramics