Engineers in Ancient Egypt

How the Pyramids were built

Ancient Egyptian engineers had to figure out how to build pyramids. They:

  • Found a place to build on rock to hold the heavy stones needed for the pyramids.

  • Made measurements so the rocks fit together.

  • Designed the pyramid with larger blocks on stone on the bottom and smaller blocks higher up.

  • Designed a tool called a cubit rod to measure the dimensions of the pyramid.

  • Designed a tool called a level to make sure each stone was flat.

  • Figure out a way to transport heavy stones from the quarries to the pyramid site. They used sleds, ropes, and water to move the sleds (see photo above).

  • Cut limestone by drilling holes along a large block, then using levers to break the rock loose.

  • Created ramps to move the pyramids up to the higher levels.

  • Used human resources like farmers and soldiers when they were not busy with other jobs.

Tools Used in Ancient Egypt

The Ancient Eqyptians used many tools to build the pyramids.

  • They made tools from copper, such as levers to break and move heavy rocks.

  • They used granite and limestone, or types of rocks.

  • They needed boats to move the heavy stones long distances.

  • They built wooden sleds and created roads from limestone chips (small pieces of rock).

  • They made ropes from papyrus and other strong grasses.

  • They built wooden rollers under the sleds to help them move.

  • They designed ramps to move the heavy rocks up the sides of the pyramids.

  • They created levels to make sure the surface was flat and the sides of rock were straight.