Seven Locks Elementary

School Counseling

"Be the Rainbow in Someone Else's Cloud"

-Maya Angelou

Mrs. Steinberg's Counseling Corner

During this period of remote learning, the Montgomery County Public School System is committed to continuing to provide support to our students and families.

*Check back often as the website is being continuously updated with new information and resources*

MCPS and SLES are committed to providing families with materials to support social-emotional learning during the closure. Learning activities, materials, and resources are available in the Student SEL and Parent Resources tabs and on the Be Well 365 page in the MCPS website.

Social-Emotional Learning resources for teachers to use as part of their continuity of learning plan. The resources can be used to support class meetings or lessons.

The most up-to-date information from Montgomery County Public Schools concerning the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak is maintained on the linked website.