Rachel Carson Elementary School

School Counseling

Focus! Believe to Achieve!

During this period of remote learning, the Montgomery County Public School System is committed to continuing to provide support to our students and families. At Rachel Carson, we are here to make sure that every student feels safe and comfortable, is available for learning and is able to reach their academic and social potential.

"Parent Academy TO GO" is a series of virtual presentations for families to view at home. Click to learn more about the virtual chats and workshops that are offered.

Your School Counselors

MCPS is committed to providing families with activities and materials to support learning during the closure. Learning activities and materials are available online through the myMCPS Classroom as well as print materials for your child to access during our school closure.

The most up-to-date information from Montgomery County Public Schools concerning the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak is maintained on the linked website.

*Check back often as the website is being continuously updated with new information and resources*