Teacher's Lounge (Resources)

Self-care is an important component of a teacher’s mental health, but there are misconceptions about what it is. It’s common for educators to dismiss the self-care movement as “selfish” or “superficial.” But for teachers, self-care is so much more than breakfast in bed or treating yourself to a spa day. It’s about taking care of your health so that you’re prepared to be the best teacher you can be for yourself and your students.

Racism and Equity

Fostering Civil Discourse

The ideas and tools on the following pages are designed to help prepare your classroom and your students to practice civil discourse, an essential skill for effective civic participation.

1. Start with Yourself

2. Develop a Reflective Classroom Community

3. Create a Classroom Contract

4. Provide Opportunities for Student Reflection

5. Establish a Safe Space for Sensitive Topics

6. Implement Effective Teaching Strategies

Child Abuse Infographic One-sheeter (2).pdf

Child Abuse and NeGlect

Staff Reporting Form