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Club Advisor: Mrs. Tormey, 8th Grade Literacy Teacher


Phone:  608-829-9453

Room:  123

What is Journalism Club?

Do you like to write? Do you like to keep up with what happens in your local community and worldwide? Do you have an interest in reporting those happenings to others? Then you should try Journalism. Our focus will be on writing, and as that grows, we may explore video reporting and editing.

Who can join?

Any writers grades 5 - 8 interested in writing, revising, editing, and publishing stories about what’s going on around Glacier Creek and our communities.

When & where do we meet?

Journalism Club meets on Wednesdays from November 8 - March 20.  

We will meet in room 123 in the 8th grade wing from 3:45-4:30.

What do I need?

You'll need your school-issued Chromebook, your discussion skills, and an interest in the world around you!