Grading & Standards


In 8th grade, we use standards based grading to give a more comprehensive picture of student development in the following English language arts areas:

L1: Develops writing using effective word choice, craft and elaboration.

L2: Uses clear and powerful structures in writing to communicate ideas.

L3: Demonstrates proficiency using standard English conventions: grammar/usage, spelling, punctuation, capitalization, and proper sentence structure.

L4: Independently chooses, reads, and comprehends grade-appropriate literature.

L5: Analyzes how particular elements of a text interact and shape the writing.

L6: Uses a process to improve reading and writing skills.

L7: Engages effectively in collaborative discussions and presents ideas in a focused, coherent manner connecting with the audience.


In standards-based grading, numbers represent the following:

4 - Student demonstrates advanced understanding consistently and independently in this standard.

3 - Student demonstrates proficient and secure understanding.

2 - Student demonstrates partial understanding.

1 - Student demonstrates minimal understanding or not enough evidence to accurately assess understanding.

Extra Credit

Due to the nature of standards-based grading, there will be no extra credit offered. Instead, students can revise essays or other work to show skill proficiency. Additionally, at the end of each grading term, an overall proficiency score will be given based on growth. This means that one poor score does not impact your overall grade as it would in traditional grading. Learning is about mastery and growth, not perfection each and every attempt.