16th Annual MMEW
16th Annual MMEW
July 18-20, 2013
July 18-20, 2013
Hibbing Community College
Hibbing Community College
Hibbing, Minnesota
Hibbing, Minnesota
Presentations and handouts from the
2013 MMEW short courses can be downloaded
from links on the short course schedule below.
Other Downloads:
Other Downloads:
2013 MMEW Field Trip Guidebook
Volunteers, Sponsors and Partners
Final Report for the 2013 MMEW
Executive Summary
Financial Summary
Short Course Schedule:
Short Course Schedule:
Short Course Files:
Short Course Files:
- Rock and Mineral ID
- MN Glacial Landscape
- Mesabi Range History - MR Milestones
- Workforce Training at HCC
- Heavy Equipment Simulator
- Plate Tectonics and the Rock Cycle
- Groundwater Quality Teaching Tools
- Science Standards: HS, MS, ES, Future
- Mining-related Careers - MEC Careers Flier
- Population and Natural Resources
- Duluth Complex - Geology/Ore/Environ
- Taconite Mining Sequence
- Mineland Reclamation
- World's Oil & Climate Change
- Successful Nonferrous Mining
- Construction Aggregate: Lab, Boring Log, Factsheet
- Economics of Mining - Mining Made Simple
- Building Tomorrow's Landscapes Through Today's Mining - Handout