Special Education

Here, you will find resources regarding Special Education in the New York City Department of Education.

Transition is a results-oriented process that is focused on improving the academic and functional achievement of students with disabilities to facilitate the student’s movement from school to post-school activities with the goal of continued education, employment, and/or independent living.

Within Education, especially Special Education, there are many terms that are utilized throughout the year. Use this resource to assist you in defining some of these terms.

The NYC Department of Education's goal is to educate children with disabilities in their zoned schools alongside their more typically developing peers whenever possible. Therefore, the IEP team must first consider whether your child's needs can be met in a general education class. Other settings, such as small special classes or special schools, are considered only if your child would not be able to make meaningful progress in a general education class, even with the help of supports and services.

MCHS Information:

For Marie Curie High School Information, please contact SpecialEducation@MCHSBronx.org to get in contact with our Special Education Liaison and/or IEP Coordinator