Research Resources

The internet has many great resources but it also has A LOT of misleading, non-factual, and corrupt links too. When if comes to research and reliable research you must be a detective for accurate information. 

Databases, help you slay through misinformation by trying to take you directly to reliable resources, but you still have to watch for and be aware of an author's bias.  If it is a persuasive article an author will use Pathos (emotional persuasion),  Ethos (creditability and ethics in speaker, writing, and evidence provided), and Logos (they will try to appeal to reason and logic) to convince you of their main point. Watch out if they use too much Pathos.

Tri-North, Monroe County Public Library, and Inspire (Indiana State Library resources) have a collection of databases for you to use.  Why do I share more than Tri-Norths? You will only be at Tri-North for two years and by giving you access to other library resources when you graduate from us you still have access to good resources to use for future endeavors.  Your community (which Tri-North is part of) supports you now and in the future! 


MCPL Resource Links:

Monroe County Public Library Resources

Some of the below resources you can use at school without using your eAccess library card.  Once you are out of school it will probably ask for your card information to use the database.  Four sources are below or click on this link to see the full list:  Link

Look for citation help in each database so your Works Cited page is put together with ease and accurately.

World Book

World Book is an online encyclopedia that starts you with basic information about your topics.  Tri-North students should be using either Student or Advance to search for information.

Credo Reference

Credo is an easy-to-use tool for research projects and homework. Search in hundreds of encyclopedias, dictionaries, thesauri, quotations, and subject-specific titles, as well as 200,000+ images and audio files, and nearly 1200 videos. 

Science Reference Center

A research database of full-text, science-oriented content. Designed to meet student researcher's needs, Science Reference Center contains full text for hundreds of science encyclopedias, reference books, periodicals and other reliable sources as well as images from NASA, National Geographic, Getty and others 

Biography Reference Center

A collection of full-text biographies and unique narrative biographies. The database includes coverage of several of the most popular and heavily-researched biographies and genres, including those contained within Biography Today and Biography (both dating back to the first issue published). 


Find magazines, newspapers, and journal articles in this collection of databases maintained by the Indiana State Library and available to any Indiana resident. 

ProQuest Sirs Knowledge Source

SIRS® Knowledge Source® is a database portal which is comprised of several distinct reference databases including SIRS® Issues Researcher, SIRS® Government Reporter®, and SIRS® Renaissance®. It provides relevant, credible information on social issues, science, history, government, and the arts and humanities. 

You will have to log into ProQuest with the above information.

WorldCat - Millions of bibliographic and ownership records of the holdings of over 9,000 contributing libraries. OCLC's The largest and most comprehensive database of its kind. You will need your MCPL library card or MCPL eAccess Card.