Mr. Ignacio "tony" lópez

Hello, everyone! If you don't know me, I'll be your music teacher at Hendricks Elementary! This is my 17th year teaching and my 8th year at Hendricks.

I went to high school in a very small town - La Villa. My senior class only had 50 students! I graduated from UT-Pan American (now UTRGV) with a Bachelor of Arts in Music Education. I'll always be a Bronc and not a Vaquero.

As you can see, I have not gotten a haircut during the pandemic. I'm going on 5 months already. I think I'm going to keep growing it until I get tired of it. And a little known fact about me is I have a fraternal twin brother. We don't look alike, but we were born one minute apart from each other. I'm older by a minute.

Ian and Missy

These are my babies. I rescued both of them at Palm Valley Animal Shelter. They are my best friends. Ian is a Chihuahua/Dachshund (weenie dog) mix - also known as a Chiweenie. Missy is a toy poodle mix. I'm not sure how old they are, but I've had them for 6 years.


When I'm not singing or being musical, these are some things I like to do:

  • Running/exercising
  • Knitting
  • Reading
  • Anything "Harry Potter"
  • Anything "Avatar: The Last Airbender"
  • Anything "Selena" (not Gomez)
  • Sing in a salsa band - Son Latino
  • Dancing - salsa, bachata, merengue, cumbia