Biotech is a unique opportunity for students at Mira Costa High School.  Offered as a zero-period class, this course is a three-year elective where students commit to participating for the entire duration of the program.  Through this dedication, students build relationships with teachers and peers who share a common love of science.  

Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors will have opportunities to collaborate and build connections with other students across grade levels. Group labs, research projects, and monthly "Biotech Breakfasts" build a sense of community. 

Three-Year Pathway

Year 1

Sophomores starting their first year in this course will learn basic lab skills and apply them each day in a research setting.

Year 2

Juniors, now in their second year of the course, will continue with lab practice, performing more complex skills and mentoring the students in their first year.

Year 3

Seniors in their third year of the course will be placed in an internship program in the field of STEM. They will have a final poster-presentation, weekly class discussions, 15 monthly hours at their approved internship, a scheduled benchmark meeting with the teachers, and 5 hours of assistantship with the Biotech 1-2 classes.

Application Process

Students apply for this course in the spring of their Freshman year. Admission to this elective is a selective process. Those interested in participating submit an application, have an in-person interview, and sign a commitment contract. If you have any questions regarding this class or its application process please contact the teacher emails below.

Ms. Ford: rford@mbusd.org

Mr. Nodado: enodado@mbusd.org