What's going on in Art Class?

What’s Going On In Art??Back To School Night 9/20/2018
Welcome! Hello! My name is Miss Jones, and I am your child’s new art teacher.
There are several ways you can learn what your child is currently working on. Every student in the school is starting an online Art Portfolio this year. Attached is a permission slip for parents to sign-up/ allowing their child participate in the program on Artsonia.com. It is a very safe website. Students full names, nor other personal information will ever be shown.
You can also follow me on twitter @ArtEdTweets.
In addition, I am currently working on a class website which will post assignments, rubrics, and any other pertinent information. 7th and 8th grade students will be participating in posting information in our class blog page.
We will be using many art mediums throughout the year: Computer/digital art, paint, clay, pastels,markers, charcoal, pencils, crayons, glue/collage. Sometimes art is messy and that’s ok! We use water-soluble paint that should be washable, and we try to keep it on the art and off the tables and clothing. However, if you would like to send in a smock, or old button up shirt to wear over their clothing, they can keep it in their locker, I will notify their homeroom teacher in the morning to remind them to bring their smocks on ‘messy’ art days.
Grading will be based on Craftsmanship, participation, and student’s understanding of the methods and elements of art used in each project. Your child will be self-assessing their work using project rubrics. There will also be several opportunities for extra credit, which students already are aware of. (ask them about our fabric scrap garland above our classroom windows, or bringing in recycled caps/lids for reusing for art,)
All of the supplies the students need will be provided, however if students wish to bring in their own supplies (ex. colored pencils, markers, etc.) they may. I just ask that any supplies they bring in can be labeled and easily carried and stored in a pencil case.
As communication is crucial in your child’s success, please contact me with any questions or concerns and I will do the same.
Contact info: sjones@mbschool.org Phone: Monmouth Beach School, 732-222-6139: Voicemail ex. 270
I look forward to learning about your young artist(s) and encouraging them to learn through creativity!

Miss JonesTeacher of ArtMonmouth Beach School